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Biggest Idle Request: 4/28/2024 13:39:24

Level 61
Have there been a bigger one?


Luckily, I am sitting on HEX, so it was filled within seconds after posting :D
Biggest Idle Request: 4/28/2024 13:41:42

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
I believe Hunter had a request over 100B
Biggest Idle Request: 4/28/2024 13:45:15

Level 63
Biggest Idle Request: 5/2/2024 19:40:32

Level 40
I can currently do 87B w/o any sac. JK has proof 😏
Biggest Idle Request: 5/2/2024 19:41:31

Level 63
Looks like Xeno is back into idle, and he appears to be rather bored by the lack of ultra-ascension!

Edited 5/31/2024 16:35:57
Biggest Idle Request: 5/2/2024 19:56:38

Level 40
Forgot 30% Bonus from phone AD :(.

For the record according to my spreadsheet if I get a free SAC from the daily door, remember to use my phone bonus, and use my sac arti then I would hit 9M troops per second. Then if I close/open the CR window till a lucky roll that should be around a 235,620,228,412.8 request.

I'm not wasting more than the 2 free sacs on this tho lol.

@JK I login now and then but yea after getting all artis to insane got bored so I just started idling in 1 level and upgrading stuff lol.

Edited 5/2/2024 19:57:43
Biggest Idle Request: 5/29/2024 01:21:36

Level 40
I think JK_3 is asleep so he can't post it. I managed to get a free SAC on the daily door so used that + sac arti.


The original request was 246B but came as 245B in chat. I forgot to take a picture of the original request so spammed the button till I got a similar value but ended up a tad higher 😂. Spammed the button for 5 minutes and did not get anything higher than 247B :(. The theoretical max for my production is around 254.7B so not bad, I guess.

I was really unlucky since I did not check every day, but it took almost a month to get a free SAC.

Edit: As an interesting addendum it shows as 246B when filled instead of 245B as per chat.


Edited 5/29/2024 01:32:03
Biggest Idle Request: 5/29/2024 15:45:48

Level 63
brooooooooooooooo thats wild!!!!
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