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MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 19:47:33

Level 63
a) 1v1 HAWKS Picky Picks
b) LF
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=51663
d) The number of picks distributed to each player changes every game (all players will have the same number of picks in every game). Also the map it is played on is the coolest map ever created!
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:22:25

Level 65
Suggestion #1

a) Updated map for 1v1 Ladder (Can apply to anything that uses MME)
b) Fizzer
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37086724
d) It's just more aesthetically pleasing than the old MME map
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:25:50

Level 65
Suggestion #2

a) Lampuria Swap
b) Octane and Gakbobo
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34392953
d) Swapped picks that template that uses wastelands of 3 to make the bad picks pretty clear, but just good enough to where your opponent could still take said bonuses early on, picking can be surprisingly nuanced and difficult to solve.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:05:59
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:30:02

Level 65
Suggestion #3

a) Lombardy Swap
b) rakleader? (I don't know but he created the tournament)
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35088439
d) Swapped picks template that instead used combos to make picking very difficult to solve, 3 armies per warlord not picked by a player makes expansion difficult but doesn't force you to leave your bonus.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:05:53
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:36:24

Level 65
Suggestion #4

a) Africa Ultima
b) Octane
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35719334
d) Uses a combination of ideas to make 8 territory bonuses viable, while still leaving the door open for small bonuses. 5 armies per player territory means you only need 2 picks to combo a 8 territory bonus, income per bonus is territories minus 2, so the bigger bonuses are far more efficient, but the small bonuses are still very easy to FTB, meaning with an early interaction they also can't be underestimated. A little side note I'd like to add, is the terrain divides up the map in a way that makes gaining control of chokepoints more important, as flanking around your opponent becomes a lot more difficult.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:21:10
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:44:23

Level 65
Suggestion #5

a) G0A
b) Gakbobo
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=33995773
d) Peculiar template that uses a unique combination of settings with the goal in mind of increasing the importance of the picking phase. Uses reinforcement cards as base income to increase the importance of card pieces and make it so you can use tactics where you save reinforcement cards either to trick your opponent or for a more important turn.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:04:52
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 23:55:47

Level 65
Suggestion #6

a) Benelux
b) Octane
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28106268
d) Weird template played on a large map, but limited by bonus efficiency, WR, and neutrals of 3, to make it so mass expanding doesn't end up dominating the meta. Really my goal in mind with this template was to change gameplay in a way that you don't really see on other MTL templates, as with expansion costing much more, but still vital on such a big map, finding that balance between expansion and fighting your opponent is different than usual. Picking has a variety of viable strategies.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:04:41
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-04 00:02:35

Level 65
Suggestion #7

a) Romania
b) Octane
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35035487
d) This is probably my least favorite one, found this interesting bonus system on this map and wanted to try to make a template using it, however the size and density of the map made finding a proper balance pretty awkward. However, I have seen some very interesting games on this template that basically turn into flank wars, where it comes down to who can outmaneuver their opponent by moving to all their opponent's double borders the fastest, which makes coverage very important. I tried to use combos within bonuses since using combos with two bordering bonuses becomes much weaker, however in the end I ended up not liking how this played out, if someone wants to try improving this, feel free.

Edited 3/4/2024 00:04:01
- downvoted post by Octane
- downvoted post by Tac(ky)tical
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-05 13:02:24

Level 58
@buns wasn’t there a turtle template that was pretty good
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-05 15:35:25

Level 62
Suggestion #16

a) Battle of Peleliu 1944
b) Beelzebub ♰
c1) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37192403
c2) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37192577
d) It's one of my favorite WWII template that uses two different mods, the first one it's the Randomized Bonus and second one it's the Randomized Wastelands. This means that the strategy always changes with new hotspots in every new game.

Edited 3/5/2024 19:54:41
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-05 18:41:40

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
+1 @John
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-09 17:22:43

Level 65
I'm surprised noone proposed Triple Taffle yet
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-09 18:16:25

Level 62
Suggestion #17

a)Trippel-Tafl no fog
b) Rufus
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=35789980
d) Template played in Seasonal Ladder LIV
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-09 20:10:01

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Ask and ye shall receive.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-16 00:42:26

Level 59
When is the deadline? I am polishing a template for submission and just curious how much time I have left?

Thanks Alex for organising. I hope your pillow is warm tonight.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-16 11:35:58

Level 65
The stream will be in early April. You can submit templates at least till the end of March, late submissions might also be considered.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-19 03:57:55

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
I have an interest in being one of the judges.

If you need references, or a list of my favorite maps or whatever, please let me know.

Best regards,
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-21 08:08:11

Level 65
Template submissions are still open! :)

@Dublin Warrior
Thanks for your readiness, but the group of judges is complete now.
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